[ELMARAD] Snowbombing 2021 Esemény

Snowbombing Festival


Sajnos még egy év kényszerpihenőt be kell iktatnia az osztrák Snowbombing-nak, így 2021-ben sem kerekedik ki a világ egyik legnagyobb havas fesztiválja. Alább a szervezők hivatalos, angol nyelvű közleménye:

It’s the news that many expected but few wanted… it’s with a heavy heart we must announce that Snowbombing will not be taking place this April. We’re sure it is of no surprise to any of you, due to the ongoing global pandemic and the closure of UK travel corridors at present. After the cancellation of Snowbombing 2020, we were desperate to get back to Mayrhofen with you all. We have been working hard behind the scenes to move mountains so that Snowbombing 2021 could take place, but it has become clear that the festival can not go ahead.

We are sure that this has raised many questions about what to do next. The simple answer is that you will have two choices.

Right now, your Snowbombing trip has automatically rolled over to next year. We’re excited to announce the festival dates for Snowbombing 2022 will be Monday 4th to Saturday 9th April 2022. We’ll put you in the same hotel with the same people, guaranteeing you a spot at next year’s festival, plus a load of incredible perks – revealed below. We really hope that you will continue this bumpy ride with us, and in return, we will guarantee you that we are going to be back with a bang. We are going to commit to delivering a Snowbombing 2022 that is off the scale of anything previously seen at the festival. 2 years has been a long time to wait. So we will be back with a celebration never seen before in any ski resort anywhere in the world. This is a promise right here to you. We are talking live music, electronic music, comedy and most importantly a whole host of experiences never seen at Snowbombing before.

We are offering some incredible perks to those who choose to keep their booking with us. If you don’t want to receive some big discounts, 100 euros of free drinks, free merch and access to some exclusive parties, or if you simply cannot make the new dates, then we will be providing a refund. 

If you decide to keep your booking and join us at Snowbombing 2022, we want to thank you so much for supporting us through such uncertain times. We’d absolutely love all of you to join us next year, for what will undoubtedly be the biggest, wildest and most unforgettable Snowbombing to date – a reunion packed full of dancing, skiing, hugging and everything else we’ve missed so badly this year. 

Until then, please read the cancellation options below for SB21 New Bookers OR SB20 Rollover Bookers depending on your booking date. We’ll be dancing in those mountains before you know it, Snowbombers! 

Snowbombing 2022 dátum és részletek >>>



Fatboy Slim, ...

Snowbombing 2021 jegyárak:

  • szállás+belépő csomagok: 


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