ELMARAD - Untold Festival 2020 Esemény

Untold 2020: fél perc alatt elment az első 15000 jegy! Beküldve: 2019-11-21 11:52:42
Igen határozottan odalépett a kontinens legjelentősebb elektronikus zenei rendezvényeinek sorába a kolozsvári Untold: az erdélyi fesztivál konkrétan egy percen belül eladta a 15 000 darab első körös jegyét a 2020-as etapra! A jegyelővétel helyi idő szerint november 20-án 14 órakor indult, majd a szervezők 14 óra 1 perckor már ki is írták, hogy mind a  15 000 darab belépő gazdára talált 30 másodperc alatt. Ilyen mértékű érdeklődés eddig csak olyan fesztiváloknál fordult elő, mint a brit Glastonb

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Untold Festival 2020 elmarad

"(...) With our hearts broken, but with the certainty that it’s for everybody’s safety, we have to inform you that we will postpone this year’s edition of UNTOLD for 2021. We are all sad and hurt, yet at the same time confident, knowing that what has been keeping us believing since 2015, will help us overcome any situation. Our love & passion will always triumph.

We still believe in a world of music and friendship. There is nothing like the energy and the atmosphere of music and friends getting together, singing at the top of their lungs, with their hearts racing and their souls bursting with life. We need to keep believing we will experience that feeling again, next year. We need magical moments like this in our lives, to reassure us that we are not alone. And, most important, that we need each other. Without any doubt, the magic of UNTOLD 2021 will be one of those elevated experiences that define you to the very core of your being.

We are extremely grateful to those over 95% of you who swapped tickets and passes for this year’s edition to the ANYTIME PASS. We thank you for all your trust and we promise that you will have the most beautiful experiences at any of the next 3 editions you will decide to join.

If you haven’t swapped into an ANYTIME PASS yet, you will have the option to choose between having your 2020 ticket/pass transferred for the 2021 edition or receiving a voucher. As soon as we announce the dates for UNTOLD 2021, you will have 30 days to make a choice. The voucher can be used for buying UNTOLD products. Refunds can be made between October 1st 2021 & December 31st 2021. You’ll receive more details via email.

We are planning on lots of wonderful projects for the days to come, to make the time fly faster until we see each other again."



Untold Festival 2020 jegyárak:

  • bérlet elővétel 1: 109 / 119 / 122 €, VIP: 309 €

  • bérlet elővétel 2: 

  • bérlet elővétel 3: 

  • normál bérlet: 

  • napijegy: 


Untold Festival 2020 jegyelővétel >>>


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