ELMARAD - Uprising Festival 2020: Dub Fx, Koffee, Max Romeo, Xana Romeo, Roni Size, Hang Massive,… Esemény


A pozsonyi Uprising Festival 2020-ban sajnos nem kerül megrendezésre, a rendezvény következő kiadása 2021. augusztus 27-én és 28-án kerül megrendezésre. Alább a szervezők hivatalos angol nyelvű közleménye:

Due to the given situation, in which we are all together, and an issued ban of Slovak government on all social and cultural events with a capacity over 1000 people until the end of this year, we've had to make a final decision to postpone the Uprising festival to next year. Therefore, Uprising will not take a place in its traditional form until 2021.

As we have announced before, we had been working with the possibility of postponing this year's edition of the festival some time already, however, at the moment when this possibility became the reality, it was much more difficult to process… although not impossible. Time flies after all and the vision that we will all meet together on the 27th and 28th of August 2021 is fulfilling us with a lot of joy and hope. So the task is clear… “Keep Calm and Carry On”! Most importantly, Uprising is not cancelled but postponed. All the work and energy we have done so far will be transformed into something greater and we will do our best to bring you an even better 13th edition of our/your beloved festival.

We guess that this is a moment when your head is starting to be loaded by questions, therefore we will try to give you answers for some of them at least:

“What to do with the already bought tickets?“

Already purchased tickets will be valid for Uprising 2021, underlining that this is the very best way to support the festival. So actually by doing nothing you can help a lot. However, in case you prefer to return your tickets despite this, we will inform you about this process in an early and timely manner on our website.

“What about the line-up? Will all of the announced musicians attend Uprising?”

First of all, all announced artists have been very much looking forward to meeting you all at the Uprising festival. Therefore, they have been affected by this unpleasant situation in the same way as all of us.

Artists' deposits which we've paid already are not returning, but everyone sounds very positive about the possibility to rebook for a new date, therefore, we strongly believe that we will manage to keep the original line up as planned before. Hence, we will come out with some of the 're-confirmed' names within the next few days. We cannot wait until announcing some fresh new names on the line up too!

P.S. Don't make any plans during the original date of Uprising 2020 (so 28th, 29th, and 30th of August), because we are working on a little surprise during these days at the moment.


Dub Fx, Koffee, Max Romeo, Xana Romeo, Hempress Sativa, Roni Size, Dynamite MC, Mungo’s Hi Fi, Marina P, DJ Vadim, Killa P, Jman, Hang Massive, Prince Alla, Suns of Dub, Dreadsquad, Lasai, …

Uprising Festival 2020 jegyárak

  • bérlet: 35 € tól


Uprising Festival 2020 jegyelővétel >>>


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